------ Disclaimer -----
Kindly take notice that the information on this website is not investment advice and is not intended to be nor should it be construed as being investment advice.
Oasis Crescent (UK) Limited (OCUK) and its global partner company Oasis Group Holdings (Pty) Ltd (OGH) and their respective holding and subsidiary companies share this website, they are separate and distinct groups of companies. Each of OCUK and OGH and their respective holding and subsidiary companies are hereinafter referred to as “Oasis”.
While Oasis has taken the necessary steps and implemented the necessary controls to ensure that the information contained on this website is accurate and up to date, Oasis makes no representation and gives no warranties about the correctness and suitability of any products or service that appear nor the soundness or suitability of any general advice offered.
Oasis shall not be responsible and disclaims all liability for any loss, liability, damage (whether direct, indirect, special or consequential) or expense of any nature, whatsoever and howsoever arising, which may be suffered as a result of or which may be attributable, directly or indirectly, to the use of or reliance upon any information, links or service provided or any actions and/or inaction on the part of Oasis.
Past performance is not an indication of future performance. No guarantees are provided.
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Should you require any assistance with your investment decisions you are advised to contact your financial advisor and cannot rely on the information contained on this website to make such decisions.
OGH (South African Global Partner) and Oasis Crescent Global Group Holdings Limited (the global partner and holding company of OCUK) through their global partnership agreement are able to provide their clients with solutions which are aimed to suit the client’s individual needs.
OCUK is registered in the UK (No. 7757777) is the holding company of (1) Oasis Crescent Advisory Services (UK) Limited (a company registered in the UK (No. 07856953) and an authorised and regulated financial advisor licenses by the Financial Conduct Authority (license number : 572395); (2) Oasis Global Management Company (Ireland) Limited (a company registered in Ireland under company number 362471 and the appointed manager of Oasis Crescent Global Investment Fund (Ireland) Plc. Oasis Crescent Global Investment Fund (Ireland) Plc is a company incorporated in Ireland with limited liability as an Open Ended Umbrella Investment Company with variable capital under the laws of Ireland with registration number 366921.
OGH (Registration Number : 1996/012672/07) is the holding company for : (1) Oasis Crescent Management Company Ltd. (a company registered in South Africa under registration number 1997/004764/06 and approved in terms of the Collective Investment Schemes Control Act, 2002 and registered with the Registrar of Collective Investment Schemes under Manager Number 24),(2) Oasis Crescent Retirement Solutions (Pty) Ltd. (a company registered in South Africa under registration number 1997/002777/07 and under the Pension Funds Act, 1956 with the Registrar of Pension Funds under Registration Number 24/324) and (3) Oasis Crescent Insurance Ltd (a company registered in South Africa under registration number 2010/005698/06 and in terms of the Long Term Insurance Act, 1998 with the Registrar of Long Term Insurance under Registration Number : 000996/001) (4) Oasis Crescent Advisory Services (Pty) Ltd (a company registered in South Africa under registration number :2010/004433/07 and in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act, 2002, with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority under FSP number 22670); (5) Oasis Asset Management Limited (a company registered in South Africa under registration number 1997/000243/06 and as an authorised financial services provider and registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority under FSP number : 603) ; (6) Oasis Crescent Capital (Pty) Ltd (a company registered in South Africa under registration number : 2002/004943/07 and as an authorised financial services provider and registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority under FSP number :796); (7) Oasis Crescent Wealth (Pty) Ltd (a company registered in South Africa under registration number : 2009/022024/07 and as an authorised financial services provider and registered with the Financial Sector Conduct Authority under FSP number :40873).